URLator is a URL Submit Engine, written entirely in PHP,
based on Castor (I don't remember the url, try freshmeat), which relies on
Snoopy.Class (snoopy.sourceforge.net)
URLator adds a customizable front-end with a visual feedback of submit results.
» Usage:
All you have to do:
enter the url you want to submit
enter your emai address (some search engines requiers it)
select search engines
press "submit"
You may repeat this step, but don't abuse: many search engines will ignore you, or even worse, they'll block your urls
client side: any decent browser (from lynx to mozilla)
Install: just copy the source files into your webserver root, or any subdirectory;
make sure the web server is running, then point your browser to
Customize: just hack the source. You may do it, since URLator it's GPL'd.