It's maded as a Licq plug-in and it uses gtkmm
(GTK+/C++, formerly known as GKT--) gui library for its interface.
It's not perfect, it may crash, but it works and,
very important, you may actually see the response coming from people which
receive the messages you sent by LSD.
The feedback you got it's shown by Licq in the number of messages received.
LSD it's runned as any Licq plug-in:
System / Plugin Manager / <select spam> / Load.
At this very moment, it doesn't send 1 by 1, but it skips randomly some users,
with a variable step between 2 and 10. I maded it this way to keep it in touch
with ICQ registration rate. It's usefull when you need to send the message
to the new icq users - the biggest impact. Let's say you register right now
and receive icq number 100000000. Start the plug in with "from" var set
to 100000001, "to" is 100010000, and Spam'em ALL!.
Good Luck!
» System requirements:
gtkmm 1.2 (tested with 1.2.0)
ANSI C compiler (tested with gcc 2.95.3)
Licq (tested with Licq 0.81, Qt GUI plug-in)
» Compilation:
LSD is autoconf based, so you may simply do a:
<become root>
make install
</become root>
Be sure to have the requirements since the configure script it's not perfect.
I didn't work to much on it, I wanted just to make it work.